How to use the train from Makkah to Madinah

The new high-speed Haramain train is now in full action. Here is how to use the train from Makkah to Madinah and vice versa and other general information before you board!

train going from Mecca to Medina

Saudi passengers walk in the platform at Mecca’s train station on October 11, 2018 as the new high-speed railway line linking Mecca and Medina opens. – The Haramain High Speed Rail system will transport Muslim pilgrims, as well as regular travellers, 450 kilometres (280 miles) between the two cities via the Red Sea port of Jeddah in two hours. Thirty-five passenger trains capable of travelling at speeds of 300 kilometres per hour will slash the travel time from several hours to 120 minutes, transport officials said. The rail project, dogged by several delays, was built at a cost of more than $16 billion, according to Saudi media. (Photo by BANDAR ALDANDANI / AFP)

There are few options for you to get from Makkah to Madinah for Umrah and we cover all of them extensively here. Now that the train is added this is a much safer and faster way of reaching the Holy cities. The classes and seats are comfortable and it’s new and clean. The train takes 3 hours from Makkah to Madinah.

Saudi passenger on a train to Mecca

A Saudi passenger sits at a waggon at Mecca’s train station on October 11, 2018 as the new high-speed railway line linking Mecca and Medina opens. – The Haramain High Speed Rail system will transport Muslim pilgrims, as well as regular travellers, 450 kilometres (280 miles) between the two cities via the Red Sea port of Jeddah in two hours. Thirty-five passenger trains capable of travelling at speeds of 300 kilometres per hour will slash the travel time from several hours to 120 minutes, transport officials said. The rail project, dogged by several delays, was built at a cost of more than $16 billion, according to Saudi media. (Photo by BANDAR ALDANDANI / AFP)

Ticket Prices

The price of the ticket is not cheap by Saudi standards but by European standards, it is a good value considering the benefits of comfort, speed and safety you have.

  • A one-way ticket in economy costs £35 / 160 SAR per person and children pay half price.
  • A one-way ticket in business costs £55 / 263 SAR per person and children pay half price

For a family of 5 this can add up and I can see the benefit of taking a taxi over the train option. Makkah to Madinah train schedule is available below, there are 4 trains per day.


Train Service

The Train is a service from Makkah to Madinah but it is not a direct link, it makes 1 or 2 stops depending on your train to Jeddah Central train stationand to King Abdullah Economic city before arriving in Makkah or Madinah. In total even with the stops, it takes 3 hours to reach the cities which is great.


Arrivals and Boarding Rules

Here are the rules of the ticket and how long in advance you have to be at the train station. Please note that if you go during rush hour depending on the location of your hotel you might need extra time. Also if you don’t have a ticket take this into account as well. Overall you can go to the train for about one hour or 30 minutes before the train departs.


Baggage on the Train

It looks like you can only have one bag per person plus one hand luggage as with most airlines.


Where are the stations located in Makkah and Medina?

The Makkah Haramain Highspeed train station is located about 10- minute taxi drive from the Haram. You can find the Makkah train station details here. The Madinah Haramain train station is located about 10 minutes from Masjid Al Nabawi as well. You can find the google map location for the Madinah train here.


Travel Stops

The Train is a service from Makkah to Madinah but it is not a direct link, it makes 1 or 2 stops depending on your train to Jeddah Central train station and to King Abdullah Economic city before arriving in Makkah or Madinah. In total even with the stops, it takes 3 hours to reach the cities which is great.

Also please note the journey is 3hrs and it doesn’t stop at a Meeqat if you are travelling for Umrah from Madinah to Mekkah. So make sure you wear your ihram and have your intentions from before or while on the train.


Your option when arriving for Umrah at Jeddah airport is still taking a taxi to Makkah. Otherwise, you have to take a taxi to Jeddah train station and then the train which will cost more and it’s not as time- effective.

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