Noor Jehan High Wycombe


About Noor

Noor Jehan raised her daughters as a single mother whilst also suffering from depression, ill health and financial difficulties. She dreamed of performing Umrah for many years but was never able to afford it.  

Your support enabled Noor Jehan to finally travel to the sacred lands and use the experience to ease her depression.

When Noor Jehan divorced from her husband, she was left to bring up her three daughters alone. Her long and difficult journey as a single parent caused her much distress and financial hardship, which led to her developing depression. 

As time went on, her health began to suffer and she recently suffered a minor stroke. This further worsened her depression.  

At 62 years of age, Noor Jehan has been through many hardships in her life. Despite her ill health, Noor Jehan has yearned to visit the House of Allah (swt) for years, but never had the financial means to fund a trip. A chance to perform Umrah might help to relieve her depression by strengthening her connection with Allah (swt). 

How you helped Noor Jehan 

Alhamdulillah, with your support, Noor Jehan was finally able to perform Umrah and fulfil the dream she held in her heart for so long. 

She had a very positive and uplifting experience through the Pilgrim Umrah Fund Programme and is grateful for the wonderful opportunity she was given to visit Allah’s (swt) House.