Rumel Kamaly London


About Rumel

Rumel lost his only son in a tragic accident whilst on a family holiday. But he turned his grief into something positive and set up a charity in his son’s name. In helping others, he forgot that he too needed help in overcoming his trauma. 

With your support, he went on Umrah which gave him the opportunity to truly reflect on his loss.

Rumel’s son had been enjoying a family holiday with his parents when he accidentally drowned in a pool on the day they were due to return to the UK. He was just 16 months old and his only son. 

The sudden and unexpected loss of his son was a shock to Rumel and his wife, but they showed great courage in the face of such a huge test.

Rumel set up a charity called the Aydin Foundation in memory of his son who loved books and water. The charity has undertaken many projects to help provide education and clean water to people in need across the world.

However, despite the good work that Rumel is undoubtedly doing, there is a worry that he is focusing all his energy into the charity and has not given himself the time and space to heal from the trauma of losing his son. 

How your support helped Rumel 

When Rumel was selected to join the Umrah Fund Programme, he found it to be a very emotionally charged and beneficial experience with ample opportunities for self-reflection. 

With the support of the Pilgrim team, he realised that the pragmatic way he responds to situations after his son died is a coping mechanism to fill the void left by him. So Rumel was taught specific coping strategies that he can use instead which will help him better deal with his loss.

“I feel content. Prior to going on Umrah, I felt like everything needed to be buried. After doing Umrah and letting my emotions out, I feel content. I accept what Allah (swt) has done as He is the best of planners.”

Rumel in Umrah