What is Tawaf Al Ifadah – Everything you need to know

Tawaf Al Ifadah is performed by Hajj pilgrims after returning from Mina, including Rami of the Jamarat al Aqabah, the sacrifice of any livestock animal, and the taqsir or halq.

Pilgrims perform Tawaf-Ifadah as soon as they return to Makkah. While doing so, pilgrims circumambulate the Holy Kaaba seven times; they then offer two Rakats behind Maqam Ibrahim, perform Sa’ee (running between the hills of Safa and Marwa), and drink water from the well of Zamzam. Tawaf Al Ifadah marks the completion of Hajj.

Therefore, all restrictions are lifted, and the pilgrim is now free to do as they desire. Tawaf Al Ifadah is also known as Tawaf Al Ziyarah. Here is everything you need to know about Tawaf Al Ifadah.

What Is Tawaf Al Ifadah?

muslim men and women performing tawaf al ifadahTawaf Al Ifadah is an Arabic word that means “Tawaf of Poring Forth.” It is known as Tawaf Al Ifadah because almost all pilgrims come from Mina to Makkah to perform the ritual of Tawaf Al Ifadah.

Tawaf Al Ifadah is the Tawaf that is to be done by pilgrims on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. The rites of Tawaf Al Ifadah include circumambulating the Holy Kaaba seven times, offering two Rakats behind Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Ibrahim (AS), drinking water from the well of Zamzam and performing Sa’ee, which entails running between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times.

However, if a pilgrim cannot perform the Tawaf Al Ifadah due to health reasons, they should appoint someone on their behalf to do so. Tawaf Al Ifadah is also one of the most critical pillars of Hajj as it marks the completion of the annual pilgrimage.

It’s also called Tawaf Al Ziyarah (Tawaf of Visitation), as pilgrims are instructed to perform it after leaving Mina.

Allah SWT in the Holy Quran says, “Then, let them complete the rites prescribed for them, perform their vows, and (again) circumambulate the Ancient House.” [Holy Quran, Al-Hajj 22:29]

Even though it is recommended to perform Tawaf Al Ifadah as soon as pilgrims return to Makkah, all four schools of thought have different opinions on this matter. According to Imam Ahmad, a pilgrim should make a definite intention (Niyat) for the performance of Tawaf-Ifadah and complete the ritual as soon as possible.

On the other hand, according to the other three scholars, when a pilgrim makes the intention of Hajj, it applies to all rituals, including Tawaf Al Ifadah. Therefore, there is no need to make the intention (Niyat) for Tawaf Al Ifadah separately.

The contradicting opinions don’t end here. According to some Islamic scholars, Tawaf Al Ifadah consists of seven rounds around the Holy Kaaba and missing even one would result in nullifying your Hajj.

On the flip side, Abu Hanif stated that only the first four of the seven rounds are essential for Tawaf Al Ifadah of Hajj, and if any of these four are missed, the Hajj of a person becomes void. Abu Hanif also added that even though the remaining three rounds are necessary (Wajib), they aren’t essential.

Therefore, in case a pilgrim misses any one of the three rounds, it does not invalidate the Hajj. But in order to make an atonement for it, the pilgrim must sacrifice an animal.

When Is Tawaf Al Ifadah Performed?

Tawaf Al Ifadah is performed on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. Pilgrims are instructed to perform Tawaf Al Ifadah right after they return from Mina to the Holy City of Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

It is recommended that pilgrims should perform Tawaf Al Ifadah before getting out of their Ihram or changing back into their casual clothes.

What to Do after Tawaf Al Ifadah?

Hajj pilgrims carry out Tawaf Al Ifadah on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. When performing Tawaf Al Ifadah, a pilgrim circumambulates the Holy Kaaba seven times before carrying out the following rites:

Perform 2 Rakat Behind Maqam Ibrahim

Once the pilgrim has completed all seven Tawafs with the intention of Tawaf Al Ifadah, they then move towards Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Ibrahim) to perform two rakats of Salah. Allah SWT in the Holy Quran states, “Take as your place of worship the place where Ibrahim (AS) stood (to pray).” [Holy Quran, Surah Baqarah: 125]

Although one can recite any Surah, it is recommended to recite Surah Al Kafirun after Surah Al Fatiha in the first rakat, followed by Surah Ikhlas in the second rakat.

Drink from Zamzam

muslims drinking holy zamzam water after umrahSoon after performing two rakats at Maqam Ibrahim, pilgrims move towards the well of Zamzam to drink the purest water on Earth. While drinking Zamzam, pilgrims are advised to stand, face the Qiblah, recite Bismillah, and drink Zamzam water in three gulps.

Sa’ee – Safa and Marwa

Sa’ee is one of the integral rites of Hajj. Pilgrims are now instructed to walk towards the mountains of Safa and Marwa and complete seven rounds of running between the two hills.

Being the last rite of Tawaf Al Ifadah, pilgrims return to their hotel rooms and are allowed to leave the state of Ihram.

How Many Tawaf Types Are There?

Most people do not know this, but there are typically five types of Tawaf:

  • Tawaf Al Umrah: It is performed by pilgrims performing Umrah any other time of the year other than Hajj season. Tawaf Al Umrah is performed while wearing the Ihram and is mandatory to complete the rites of Umrah.
  • Tawaf Al Qudum: It is carried out with Hajj Tamattu. Tawaf Al Qudum is the welcome Tawaf and is performed at the beginning of the Hajj.
  • Tawaf Al Ifadah: It is performed after completing the rites of Mina. Pilgrims can perform Tawaf Al Ifadah any time from the morning of the 10th of Dhul Hijjah to sunset.
  • Tawaf Al Wida: It is performed by pilgrims after completing Hajj and right before leaving Makkah. According to the Hanbali and Hanafi schools of thought, it is Wajib to perform Tawaf Al Wida. However, the Maliki school of thought regards it as Sunnah. Moreover, people living within the Mina boundaries are not required to perform Tawaf Al Wida.
  • Nafl Tawaf: It is a voluntary Tawaf and can be performed any time of the year, and as often as a pilgrim desires.

Summary – Tawaf Al Ifadah

Otherwise known as Tawaf Al Ziyarah, Tawaf Al Ifadah is performed by Hajj pilgrims on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah. While performing Tawaf Al Ifadah, pilgrims circumambulate the Holy Kaaba seven times, followed by performing two rakats behind Maqam Ibrahim, drinking Zamzam water, and performing the rite of Sa’ee.

Tawaf Al Ifadah is necessary for all physically able pilgrims. If one cannot do so, they must appoint someone else on their behalf to perform Tawaf Al Ifadah.

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