
In this lesson, you’ll learn more about the Ihraam, it’s rules, regulations and common mistakes. Watch the above video to learn how to tie the Ihram for men. For women, as you can wear varies garments, the below will provide an example of what can be worn.

IDHTIBA’A (Uncovering the Right shoulder is only done during Tawaaf).

During Umrah a woman should (if possible) uncover her face if she is not in the presence of non-mahram men. But since in present times it is not possible as the Haram is always so full it is desirable that the sisters who think can attract men should cover their faces but not with niqaab rather make the scarf of the head to come on the face.


Talbiyah starts just after Ihraam. Begin with the intended act of worship by saying once:

If one fears that they are likely to be subjected to illness or anything else that might obstruct their Umrah, one may add the following, by doing so if one cannot complete the Umrah for whatever reason; then they simply cut their hair and do not have to pay the ransom.

Then repeatedly say until you start Tawaaf:


Misconceptions & Mistakes of Ihraam

  • Do not pass the Miqaat without being in the state of Ihram. If you are landing in Jeddah and going to Mecca to perform ‘Umrah directly, you must be in a state of Ihram before you land, as the plane shall enter the Miqaat. Jeddah is inside the Miqaat.
  • If you are landing in Jeddah, you need your Ihram towels with you on the airplane in your carry-on bag.
  • Women may wear anything Islamically permissible for Ihram.
  • If someone is travelling to Jeddah for business or to meet his relatives mainly but also intend to make Umrah in that trip than he must either have his Ihram from Miqaat or go back to Miqaat when he wants to do Umrah. But if there was no intention of Umrah and the stay is prolonged for a reason and the person decides to perform umrah than Insha-Allah he can resume Ihram from Jeddah.
  • Some people think that it is essential to enter ihraam wearing shoes, and that if a person is not wearing shoes when he enters ihraam, then it is not permissible for him to put them on. This is a mistake because it is not essential to wear shoes when entering ihraam. Ihraam may be done without wearing shoes, and if a person enters ihraam without wearing shoes, that does not mean that he cannot put them on afterwards. He can put shoes on afterwards if he wasn’t wearing them when he entered ihraam – there is nothing wrong with that.
  • Some of them believe that it is obligatory to pray two rak’ahs when entering ihraam. This is also a mistake; it is not obligatory to pray two rak’ahs when entering ihraam. Rather the correct view on this matter was that suggested by Abu’l-‘Abbaas Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him), who said that there is no specific prayer to be offered when entering ihraam, because that was not narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
  • If a person does ghusl and puts on the ihraam garments, then he can pray the prayer for Tahiyatul Wudoo or if it is the time of prayer, such as if the time for an obligatory prayer has come or is approaching, and he wants to stay at the Miqaat until he has prayed. With regard to intending to pray a specific prayer in ihraam, the most correct opinion is that there is no specific prayer for entering ihraam.
  • It is allowed to wear a belt in Ihram either stitched or not as the prohibition on Stiches is only for garments covering the limbs.
  • Do not take pictures of yourself in Ihram. You came to worship Allah and taking pictures for showing others later may contradict your sincerity of doing this for the sake of Allah.
  • Women in their menses must be in a state of Ihram when they pass the Miqaat. They should shower and do Talbiyah like everyone else.
  • Do not uncover your right shoulder until you reach the Ka’bah and begin Tawaaf. This is the time that the Messenger uncovered his shoulder and it is an act of Hajj, so we must follow when the Prophet did it.
  • You do not enter into Ihram by just wearing the towels. You must make the intention to begin.
  • Do not shave your beard, whether before, during or after Ihram
  • You should wear sandals, but if you do not have sandals, you do not have to walk barefoot. Wear what you have until you find a place to get sandals.
  • When you hear that you are not allowed to wear stitches in Ihram, know that what is meant is that you cannot wear pieces of cloth that are sewn together to wrap your body, such as a T-Shirt or underwear.
  • Both men and women may shower with unscented soap. Yes, for women and men, you may comb your hair, as the Prophet’s wives used to do when they were in Ihram.
  • Some people think that it is essential for the pilgrim doing Hajj or ‘Umrah to enter through a specific gate of al-Masjid al-Haraam. So some people think that if they are doing ‘Umrah they must enter through the gate called Baab al-‘Umrah, and that this is essential and is prescribed in sharee’ah. Others think that they must enter through Baab al-Salaam, and that entering through any other gate is a sin or is makrooh. There is no basis for this. The pilgrim doing Hajj or ‘Umrah may enter through any gate, but when he enters the mosque he should enter with his right foot first and say what is narrated for entering all mosques,
  • Some people have invented specific du’aa’s for when one enters the Mosque and sees the Ka’bah, and have introduced du’aa’s that were not narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). This is a kind of bid’ah (innovation).
  • A lot of men have their lower towel too low which goes below the ankles or too high which goes above the knees. Both these cases are not right as it is Haram to have a garment below the ankles or above the knees displaying the Aurah.
  • Also a lot of men have their lower garment tied up below their bellies which again is a part of Aurah and is haram to display.