

Start at the Black Stone, by doing any of the following:

  • Kiss it if you can, if not
  • Touch it with your right hand, if not
  • Face the Black Stone and point at it with your right hand and say:


  • This is said only when starting the tawaaf. For the rest of the rounds when reaching the Black Stone it is enough to say: “ALLAHU AKBAR” (Allah is the most great). اللهُ أَكْبَرُ
  • For men, it is preferred to make ramal (fast walk) during the first three rounds and to walk (normally) between the Yamaani Corner and the Black Stone.
  • Du’aa’ during tawaaf: During tawaaf one can make du’aa’, tasbeeh, tahleel, etc. There is no specific du’aa’ for each round.
  • The Yamaani Corner: When you reach the Yamaani Corner, touch with right hand. If not possible, do not kiss or point.


Men to leave their right shoulder bare ONLY during the entire Tawaaf. After the Tawaaf, men need to cover both shoulders

Go to Zam Zam Wells (Preferable/Sunnah)

  • Make duaa before drinking.*
  • Drink Zam Zam water to your fill.
  • Pour water over your head (Do not overdo it rather take it in your palms and pour it on the head)

“The water of Zamzam is for whatever it is drunk for.”

Prophet Muammad (ﷺ) [Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 3062; this is a hasan hadeeth.]

Scholars and righteous people have experienced this – they have drunk it with the intention of fulfilling some need such as healing from sickness or being freed from poverty and distress, and Allaah fulfilled these hopes.

Misconceptions & Mistakes of Tawaaf

  • You do not have to say your intention out loud to begin Tawaf. Saying intentions out loud is something the Prophet (peace be upon him) never did except after Ihram when he said, (Labbayk Allahumma ‘Umrah wa Hajj).
  • You do not have to touch the black stone for your Tawaf to be accepted. If it is crowded you may face your hand toward the stone and say Allahu Akbar.
  • Do not kiss the Yemeni corner. You may only touch it with your right hand.
  • Do not worship the black stone. You are glorifying Allah by coming to this house and worshiping Him, following the Sunnah of the prophet of Allah (peace be upon him).
  • The Black stone cannot benefit or harm anyone it is only a Sunnah to kiss it.
  • It is not prescribed to push and shove when touching the Black Stone or the Yemeni Corner, rather if it is easy for you to do so in a calm and dignified manner, then you must do it, and if it is not easy for you to do it, then you should just point to the Black Stone.
  • Do not follow those Du’a books that make up Du’a for each time you go around the Ka’bah. Read Quran and make Du’a from your heart and glorify Allah.
  • Make Du’a by yourself, do not do it in a shouting group around the Ka’bah.
  • Do not wipe the walls of the Ka’bah during Tawaf. The prophet of Allah did not touch anything other than the black stone and the Yemeni corner.
  • Do not face your hand to the Yemeni corner and say Allahu Akbar. This is only for the black stone.
  • The Ka’bah should be to your left. Do not do Tawaf with your back to the Ka’bah.
  • Do not stand at the black stone line for a long time. Move on.
  • Do not lengthen your 2 Rak’ah of Tawaf.
  • Sometimes the pilgrim while doing the tawaf just entertains a doubt about correctness of the round that he is doing that moment –it is just a doubt and he is not sure of having committed a mistake– and so he ignores that round and starts it again. This invalidates the tawaf, based on precaution, except when it is done out of ignorance.
  • After having completed the seven rounds of the tawaf, sometimes the pilgrim adds one or more rounds on basis of precaution. This is incorrect and based on precaution it renders the entire tawaf invalid except if he was ignorant of this ruling.
  • Sometimes the pilgrim entertains doubt in the number of rounds in a sunnat tawaf, and then he thinks that doubt in a sunnat tawaf invalidates his tawaf so he starts his tawaf anew. This is incorrect because he can always resolve the doubt by accepting the lesser number and then proceed with the rest of the rounds of tawaf.
  • Sometimes jama‘at prayers is held in the Sacred Mosque while the pilgrim is doing his tawaf for ‘umrah, and that forces him to interrupt his tawaf and then he joins in the jama‘at. After the prayers, he starts the tawaf from the very beginning thinking that the prayer between the rounds of tawaf invalidated his tawaf.
  • This is an incorrect notion because the gap in between the rounds of tawaf for sake of joining the jama‘at does not harm the validity of the tawaf. In such a case, he should continue his tawaf from wherever he had stopped for the jama‘at and there is no need for starting it from the beginning.
  • Some pilgrims think that doing the salat of tawaf “behind the Maqam Ibrahim” means that doing it at a place closest to the Maqam. However, that is not the correct understanding; rather it is sufficient to say the salat at any place which is normally considered to be “behind the Maqam”.
  • Uttering the intention out loud when wanting to do tawaaf, so you see the pilgrim standing facing the Black Stone when he wants to do tawaaf, saying, “O Allaah, I intend to do seven circuits of tawaaf for ‘Umrah” or “O Allaah, I intend to do seven circuits of tawaaf for Hajj,” or “O Allaah, I intend to do seven circuits of tawaaf in order to draw closer to You.”
  • The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did tawaaf before you and he did not speak the intention out loud when he did tawaaf. The Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) did tawaaf before you and did not speak the intention out loud when they did tawaaf, or when doing any other act of worship, so this is a mistake.
  • Some of those who do tawaaf push and shove too much when they touch the Black Stone and the Yemeni Corner, and they are disturbed by the overcrowding and disturb others. They may be pushing and shoving a woman, and the Shaytaan may tempt him and fill his heart with desire when he is crowding this woman in this narrow place. People are only human and may be overwhelmed by their souls that prompt them to do evil, so an evil action may take place in the shadow of the House of Allaah. This is a matter that becomes even worse in light of where it takes place, although it is a fitnah in any place it happens.